Dear Friends
Human Right to Education Greeting to all of you.
Education is a basic Human Right. We believe this. On the contrary, new data from UNESCO reflect that globally 263 million children and youth are out of school.
The number of out of school children or children who are deprived of their basic human right to education is very high. The UN agencies, National Governments, Teachers Unions and Civil Society Organisations have contributed to education movements and millions of children got their human right to education. The „Education For All (EFA)“ and Millenium Development Goals (MDG) marked a significant development in right to education of children. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, also emphasizes on right to education and envisions EFA a reality.
However, there are new challenges emerged in the changed economic, social and global order in the last few decades. The „Human Right“ perspective of Right to Education for all children is missing in the new world order. The refugee crisis in European, Asian and West Asian countries, increasing ethnic conflict in societies, terrorism, climate change, distress migration and internal displacement of the population has deprived millions of children from their human right to education. Additionally, privatization has become philosophy of Governance and there is huge challenges in making human right to education a reality with help of privatization. National Governments are rolling back from public education, public health, social security and other areas. There is increased role of private players in health and education field now. To what extent the private parties are committed towards and accountable to Human Rights principle? Is there any mechanism developed to make them accountable for human right? How to ensure Human Right to Education in war zone, crisis situation, conflict area, during humanitarian crisis?
To discuss, debate and deliberate on all these aspects of Human Right to Education, we at PoliTeknik International, welcome you. We are looking forward to collaborate with youths, student union, teachers organisations, INGOs, local NGOs and different National Government, Public Policy forums for making „Human Right to Education“ a reality for all children.