/STUDENTS‘ EBOOK PROJECT A Special Experience of Interaction and Joint Engagement Between Students Worldwide

STUDENTS‘ EBOOK PROJECT A Special Experience of Interaction and Joint Engagement Between Students Worldwide

Dear Colleagues and friends,

PoliTeknik launched the Students eBook Project in autumn 2020. During this time, about 70 students and student organizations from over 30 countries have agreed to participate in the project.

As you know, the end of the history has not been reached after all. The crises of the last 3 years have made that clear to us. Therefore, the choice of the title for the eBook was apt:

Students Views
Human Rights to Education in Times of
Covid 19 and Other Crises.

After several extensions of the deadline, we have come to the conclusion that most friends and organizations are certainly very busy with their own agendas during these difficult times.

The eBook project, of course, has the potential to bring together student groups from around the world to share a common platform in real time and to take note of one another. That potential still exists.

Therefore, the eBook project continues. In this regard, we created a new platform ; more then 80 students, studetn organisations and teacher unions are joinin this new platform from Brazil, Niger, Guinea, Cameroon, Benin, Mauritania, Kenya, Sri Lanka, DR Congo, Uganda, Mozambique, Gambia, Ghana, Spain, USA, Cambodia, South Africa, India, Germany and Peru.

Regarding the publication, PoliTeknik has already pointed out something very important in advance:

„We would like to point out in advance that everyone who participates in the EBOOK project will be mentioned in the book as a co-publisher“ (Message to the platform sent on 23rd of July).

„In the newly formed group, the first step will be to plan a video conference. In this process, the theme, the title and the steps of the work will be decided together.“ (Message to the platform sent on 23rd of July).

As you can see, it is only possible to have progress if the participants themselves control this process. In the past, the focus of the publication has been on student experiences and positions on the human right to education in times of crises. In an era of multiple catastrophes such as the financial crisis, pandemic, war in Europe, climate crisis, inflation etc., this focus seems quite justified. Nevertheless, it is only intended as input for the new platform, whose members will determine the further content themselves. That is the concept.

PoliTeknik will provide support in this process until a coordination group has fully taken over the task and will make its infrastructure available for communication.

Please note that this commitment could take several years, so we ask all participants and new partners to be realistic about the strength they have to bring to the process.

The partners were asked to point on following:
1) What should be the thematic focus of the Students‘ eBook? Your idea!
2) What would your title be?
3) How many articles are needed and what should be the minimum or maximum length? What format will be accepted? How should this format be defined? What date should be set as the deadline?
4) What should be the coordination structure and rules to make the process successful?
5) Who can contribute? Individual students, student organisations, even teachers‘ unions?
6) Other points you would like to highlight.

It will be important that the group is accompanied by experts who have experience with book publishing and can provide advice. The experts should pioneer this engagement by sharing their ideas with the group and later providing scientific support for the frameworks developed by the group.

Kind regards


SUGGESTION by PoliTeknik
Students Views
Human Rights to Education in Times of
Covid-19 and Other Crises