/The tax cannot be the same for the rich and the poor – Šatorović

The tax cannot be the same for the rich and the poor – Šatorović


The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Bosnia and Herzegovina today organized a protest walk from the building of the Government of the Federation of BiH to the FBiH Parliament, on the occasion of putting the Bill on Amendments to the Labor Law on the agenda

In a statement for the media, the President of the Federation of Trade Unions, Selvedin Šatorović, said that there were informal negotiations with representatives of the FBiH Government, but that the provisions of the Labor Law could not be negotiated because, as he said, such a solution was absolutely unacceptable.

According to him, the unions demand that instead of talking about the labor law, the minimum price of labor be talked about, that a decision be made about the labor price, and only after that the workload be reduced in terms of relieving employers, but that does not go back to the profit of employers but to the benefit of the workers.

“Nowhere in the world is there a situation where the profit tax is 10 percent and the income tax is also 10 percent. The one who has a profit of 90 million KM pays 10 percent and the one who has a salary of 400 KM pays the same 10 percent. This is not in any case socially responsible state, but the creation of a state for several rich families, and this will not be allowed,” -Šatorović pointed out.

He reminds that they received the support of the workers’ unions from the region, but also from Brussels, and states that no country has addressed its labor legislation in this manner.

“No country is fighting against the coronavirus pandemic in such a way that the complete burden of the crisis falls on the shoulders of the workers,” Šatorović emphasized.

He is of the opinion that the FBiH Government, will definitely not withdraw the Bill on Amendments to the Labor Law, but he expects the FBiH Parliament not to adopt such a bill tomorrow, because, he says, they have received promises from the leading political parties in the Parliament.

“If something does not change in the next 24 hours, if such a Bill is adopted, the Union will be forced to go into a general strike at the FBiH level, and the FBiH Government will be responsible for that,” said Šatorović.

He believes that the Government should not be adopting laws in a technical mandate, and the parliamentary majority should make that clear tomorrow. He expects them to show conscience, because, “tomorrow, their children may also be in a situation to work for a salary of 400 KM.”

The walk resumed to the FBiH Parliament’s building, in downtown Sarajevo, which is set to discuss the law amendments.

“This solution was made without the consent of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions as a social partner. It is indicative that a narrative of the rights of employers is stretched throughout the law, while workers are not mentioned at all. Its goal is to enable the employer to drastically reduce the incomes of workers,” said Šatorović.

In line with the epidemiological situation and the recommendations issued by competent bodies, the protest is attended by not more than 100 participants.

Link for article: https://www.fena.news/bih/satorovic-the-tax-cannot-be-the-same-for-the-rich-and-the-poor/